About the 3D prints



  • Mini is between 1 inch to 3 inches in length
  • Small is between 4 to 6 inches in length
  • Common is between 7 to 10 inches in length
  • Big is between 10 to 20 inches
  • Grand Elder Dragon: is 21+inches in length

Colors example:

  • Red/Yellow/Blue: is a tri color. It prints with all three colors at once
  • Blue to Black or Blue fade to Black: Is a gradient color. It transitions from one color to Black
  • Rainbow: I try to get all colors of the rainbow in the print
  • Random Rainbow: I use rainbow material but sometimes it just has a few of the colors and is random where the color starts.
  • Random: I will make a random color for the print. Lots of the time this is a rare color and I might not be able to make it again.


More updates soon...